The model of a B2B academy

The Selling Business Solutions Academy is a multisided and multileveled approach of selling corporate solutions business-to- business.
Multisided because, as shown in the graph model, it covers the four main areas of need pertaining to business selling:

  1. Systematic prospecting (You did dare? You did sell…),
  2. Presentation Skills aimed at closing the deal,
  3. Negotiation techniques and
  4. Strategic approach of the client-company aimed at the development and sale of competitive business solutions. Furthermore, it provides tools and creates a common methodology of consulting with business clients, for the entire team that sells and implements business solutions, which constitutes a code of conduct, a culture and work philosophy for all.

Multilevel because it is fully adaptable to the target market, from the independent professional level to the small and middle sized company, up to the huge conglomerate level.
The Selling Business Solutions Academy constitutes an integrated solution because its programs, depending on the corporate needs, can be complemented by other training systems of PPP such as:

  • Managing the Sales Force
  • Time Management
  • Team Work
  • Problem Solving & Decision Making